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Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 26(4): 148-151, out./dez. 2019. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380139


Objetivou-se analisar a aplicação da ocitocina influenciando na eficiência da ejeção do leite; ao ponto de ocorrer um aumento da produção e mudanças na composição. Foram utilizados 45 animais, durante 105 dias, divididos em três tratamentos, no tratamento 1 (T1) os animais receberam 0,5ml de soro fisiológico, logo após realizava-se a ordenha destes animais, sendo considerado o tratamento controle, no T2 os animais receberam ocitocina antes do início da ordenha, e logo após ordenhava-se estes animais; no T3 os animais receberam ocitocina ao final da ordenha e reordenhava-se estes animais. Para aferir a produção das vacas foram usados medidores de leite, com pesagens de produção realizadas quinzenalmente. Após aferido a produção de todos os animais, as amostras de leite foram coletadas e encaminhadas para as análises posterior. As variáveis físico-químicas do leite analisadas foram: porcentagem de gordura, lactose e proteína. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e posteriormente, ao teste de comparação de médias, com diferença estatística significativa de 5%. De acordo com os resultados obtidos a ocitocina influenciou na produção leiteira com um aumento na produtividade diária por animal, mas não se observou diferenças significativas nas médias de porcentagem de gordura, lactose e proteína do leite.

This study aimed to analyze the application of oxytocin influence in the milk ejection efficiency; as to occur an increase in production and changes in milk composition. 45 animals were used for 105 days, divided into three treatments, the treatment one received 0.5ml of physiological saline, in the treatment two were given oxytocin to the animals before the milking; and in treatment theree the animals received oxytocin at the end of milking. To measure the cow's milk production, milk meters were used, and were performed fortnightly. After measured the production of all animals, samples were collected and sent for analysis. The physico-chemical variables analyzed were: percentage of fat, lactose and protein. The results were submitted to ANOVA and subsequently the mean comparison test, with statistical significance of 5%. According to obtained results oxytocin influence the milk production with a significant increase in daily productivity per animal, but there was no significant difference in percentage of fat, lactose and milk protein.

Animals , Cattle , Cattle , Oxytocin/analysis , Food Production , Dairying/methods , Milk/economics , Lactose/analysis , Milk Ejection/drug effects , Milk Proteins/analysis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(4): 1348-1354, jul.-ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038615


The aim of this study was to evaluate the components of milk and mammary gland health of Criollo mares. A total of 12 mares coming from a farm in southern Brazil were used. Samples of milk were taken from each mare every two weeks up to 180 days of lactation. The characteristics analyzed were fat, protein, lactose, total solids, somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC). In relation to the health of the udder and the milk of the mares, the SCC was 24.1 x 103cells / ml and TBC was 44 x 103CFU / ml, while the average of milk components was 0.57% fat, 1.95% protein, 6.71% lactose and 9.24% total solids. Stage of lactation and individual characteristics may influence the level of milk components. The low SCC and TBC found in the Criollo breed mares' milk ensure the quality of their milk compared to other species.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os componentes do leite e a saúde das glândulas mamárias de éguas da raça Crioula. Foi utilizado um total de 12 éguas, localizadas em uma fazenda no sul do Brasil. Foram retiradas amostras de leite de cada égua quinzenalmente até 180 dias de lactação. As características analisadas foram gordura, proteína, lactose, sólidos totais, contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e contagem bacteriana total (CBT). Em relação à saúde do úbere e ao leite das éguas, a CCS foi 24,1 x 10 3 células/mL e a CBT foi 44 x 10 3 UFC/mL, enquanto a média dos componentes do leite foi 0,57% de gordura, 1,95% de proteína, 6,71% de lactose e 9,24% de sólidos totais. O estágio da lactação e as características individuais podem influenciar o nível de componentes do leite. As baixas taxas de CCS e CBT encontradas no leite de éguas da raça Crioula asseguram a qualidade desse leite comparado ao de outras espécies.(AU)

Animals , Female , Milk/microbiology , Horses , Lactose/analysis , Mammary Glands, Animal , Lactation , Food Quality
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 26(3): 99-103, jul./set. 2019. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1391125


Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar a influência da fase de lactação e do intervalo de tempo entre as ordenhas sobre os constituintes e a produção de leite de cabras no semiárido da Paraíba. Foram utilizados 28 animais da raça Anglo Nubiana distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial do tipo 3 x 2, três fases de lactação e dois turnos de ordenha. A análise de variância não revelou efeito (P>0,05) de fase de lactação para proteína, gordura e sólidos totais. Contudo, houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) para lactose e produção de leite dentro das fases de lactação e intervalo entre ordenhas. Para acidez e densidade houve efeito (P<0,05) de fase de lactação e do turno da ordenha. Houve correlação negativa entre o turno da ordenha para produção de leite, acidez, lactose, densidade, proteína e gordura. Com relação à fase de lactação observou-se correlação negativa para produção de leite e lactose e correlação positiva para acidez e proteína. A composição do leite de cabra sofre influência da fase de lactação e do intervalo entre ordenhas. Intervalo de tempo igual entre as ordenhas favorece a produção de um leite com uma composição mais uniforme.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of lactation stage and the time interval between milking on ingredients and the production of milk goats in the semiarid region of Paraíba. We used 28 animals of Anglo Nubian breed distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement of type 3 x 2, three stages of lactation and two milking shifts. Analysis of variance revealed no effect (P>0.05) were lactating for fat, protein and total solids. However, there was significant difference (P<0.05) for lactose and milk production within the phases of lactation and the interval between milking. For acidity and density was no effect (P<0.05), lactation stage and the milking turn. There was a negative correlation between the shift milking for milk, acidity, lactose, density, protein and fat. With respect to stage of lactation negative correlation was observed for milk and lactose positive correlation for acidity and protein. The goat milk composition is influenced by the stage of lactation and the interval between milking. Equal time interval between milking favors the production of milk with a more uniform composition.

Animals , Lactation , Goats/metabolism , Milk/chemistry , Food Composition , Fats/analysis , Food Analysis , Lactose/analysis , Milk Proteins/analysis
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 2903-2907, abr.-maio 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482482


O rótulo apresenta uma série de informações relevantes e que causam impacto direto na saúde da população. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se diferentes marcas de leite UHT zero lactose atendem aos parâmetros de rotulagem estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. Foram avaliadas cinco marcas de leite zero lactose. Os rótulos das amostras foram analisados quanto a legislação no que se refere a rotulagem geral, rotulagem nutricional, informações quanto a alergias e intolerâncias. Os resultados encontrados na maioria dos leites UHT sem lactoses analisados estão dentro dos padrões exigidos pela legislação vigente, com exceção da amostra A que apresentou divergência quanto aos ingredientes.

The label presents a series of relevant information that has a direct impact on the health of the population. The objective of this study was to verify if different brands of UHT zero lactose milk meet the labeling parameters established by Brazilian legislation. Five brands of zero lactose milk were evaluated. Sample labels were reviewed for legislation on general labeling, nutritional labeling, and allergy and intolerance information. The results found in most of the lactose-free UHT milks analyzed are within the standards required by current legislation, with the exception of sample A that presented divergence regarding the ingredients.

Lactose/analysis , Milk/chemistry , Food Labeling/standards , Identity and Quality Standard for Products and Services
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 2913-2917, abr.-maio 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482484


O leite é rico em carboidratos, e desses carboidratos o principal é a lactose, no entanto algumas pessoas não conseguem hidrolisar, causando sintomas de diarreias e gases. Para atender esse público que possui esse problema, alternativas de produtos com a lactose já previamente hidrolisada estão sendo inseridas no mercado. Neste trabalho teve-se como objetivo, verificar se alguns produtos no mercado estão isentos de lactose, e comparar a eficiência dos métodos entre si. Foram utilizados os métodos de Lane-Eynon e DNS, além disso e foram verificados os parâmetros de cor. Os resultados obtidos mostram que ambos os métodos tiveram resultados parecidos. Ao obter resultados de um alto teor de lactose em produtos que deveriam ser isentos, se faz necessário uma maior conscientização das indústrias produtoras e uma fiscalização mais rígida.

Milk is rich in carbohydrates, and of these carbohydrates the main one is lactose, however some people cannot hydrolyze, causing symptoms of diarrhea and gas. To meet this public who has this problem, alternatives to lactose products previously hydrolyzed are being introduced in the market. In this work we aimed to verify if some products on the market are lactose-free, and to compare the efficiency of the methods with each other. The Lane-Eynon method and the DNS method were used in addition and the color parameters were checked. The results show that both methods had similar results. By obtaining results of a high lactose content in products that should be exempted, it is necessary a greater awareness of the producing industries and a more rigid inspection.

Carbohydrates/analysis , Lactose/analysis , Milk/chemistry , Lactose Intolerance
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(12): 4119-4128, Dec. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-974777


Resumo Indivíduos com intolerância à lactose, doença de alta prevalência, devem controlar o consumo de alimentos com esse dissacarídeo para evitar sintomas gastrointestinais. Como a tolerância é variável à quantidade ingerida, é fundamental a discussão sobre a disponibilização da informação de quantidade de lactose em alimentos industrializados, que atualmente não é obrigatória. O estudo avaliou a disponibilidade da informação sobre a quantidade de lactose por análise dos rótulos de alimentos industrializados, que contivessem leite ou lactose na lista de ingredientes. Em seguida, realizou-se contato com as indústrias de alimentos para solicitação da informação. Foram avaliados 1.209 alimentos, dos quais 1.092 eram tradicionais e 117 diet/light/zero. Apenas 3,1% dos alimentos analisados apresentavam a informação sobre a quantidade de lactose na tabela nutricional dos rótulos. A presença desta informação foi maior no grupo de alimentos diet/light/zero do que nos tradicionais. Além disso, das 156 empresas contatadas, somente 14 informaram a quantidade de lactose contida nos alimentos, 93 responderam a solicitação, porém não disponibilizaram as quantidades, e 49 não responderam. Conclui-se que há baixa disponibilidade da informação sobre a quantidade de lactose em alimentos industrializados.

Abstract Patients with lactose intolerance, a high prevalence disease, should control the intake of food with lactose to avoid gastrointestinal symptoms. Since tolerance depends on the amount of lactose ingested, it is essential to discuss the availability of the amount of lactose information in processed foods, which is currently not mandatory. The study measured the availability of information on the amount of lactose on the labels of processed food that contained milk or lactose in the ingredient list. Then, we contacted the food industry to request this information. We evaluated 1,209 processed foods, of which 1,092 were traditional and 117 were diet/light/zero. Only 3,1% of the analyzed foods provided information on the amount of lactose in the labeled nutrition table. This information was more available in the diet/light/zero food group. Furthermore, of the 156 contacted companies, only 14 reported the amount of lactose contained in foods, 93 answered the request, but have not provided the amounts and 49 did not answer the request. We concluded that there is a low availability of information about the amount of lactose in processed foods.

Humans , Animals , Milk/chemistry , Food Labeling , Lactose/analysis , Food Industry , Lactose Intolerance/epidemiology
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 52(4): 709-714, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951883


ABSTRACT The Maillard reaction of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and lactose has been previously demonstrated in pharmaceutical formulations. In this study, the activation energy of - hydrohlorothiazide and lactose interaction in the liquid state was ascertained under basic and neutral conditions. Conventional isothermal High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique was employed to ascertain the kinetic parameters using Arrhenius method. Results: The activation energy obtained was 82.43 and 100.28 kJ/mol under basic and neutral conditions, respectively. Consequently, it can be inferred that Maillard reaction is significantly affected by pH, which can be used as a control factor whenever the reaction potentially occurs.

Kinetics , Hydrochlorothiazide/analysis , Lactose/analysis , Pharmaceutical Preparations/classification , Maillard Reaction , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods
Braz. j. microbiol ; 43(2): 476-481, Apr.-June 2012.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-644461


The present study was aimed at exploring the native wild isolates of Penicillium chrysogenum series in terms of their penicillin production potential. Apart from the standard medium, the efforts were made to utilize suitable agro-industrial wastes for the maximum yield of penicillin. Two series of P. chrysogenum were isolated from local sources and named as P. chrysogenum series UAF R1 and P. chrysogenum series UAF R2. The native series were found to possess better penicillin production potential than the already reported series of P. chrysogenum. However, P. chrysogenum series UAF R1 was found to be the best candidate for high yield of penicillin starting at 100 hour as compared to P. chrysogenum series UAF R2 which produced the highest yield of penicillin at 150 hours for a shorter period of time. Addition of Corn Steep Liquor (CSL) to the fermentation medium resulted in the production of 1.20g/L penicillin by P. chrysogenum series UAF R1 and P. chrysogenum series UAF R2. The fermentation medium in which Sugar Cane Bagasse (SCB) was replaced with CSL resulted in the highest yield of penicillin (1.92g/L) by both native series of P. chrysogenum. The penicillin production was increased by 62.5% in medium with SCB as compared to that with CSL. The penicillin yield of medium containing lactose and phenyl acetate was higher than that of control medium. Overall results revealed that P. chrysogenum series UAF R1 and P. chrysogenum series UAF R2 may be recommended for better yield of natural penicillin and this efficiency may be further enhanced by utilizing SCB as substrate in the growth medium.

Antifungal Agents/analysis , Antifungal Agents/isolation & purification , Fungicides, Industrial/analysis , Lactose/analysis , Penicillins/isolation & purification , Penicillium chrysogenum/isolation & purification , Saccharum , Zea mays , Enzyme Activation , Methods , Plant Structures
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 31(12): 1045-1052, dez. 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-611200


The aims of the present study were to evaluate the performance of Jersey and Holstein cows under different rainfall conditions (dry and rainy seasons) by monitoring aspects related to subclinical mastitis (somatic cell count, microbiological isolation, type of isolated pathogen), milk quality (lactose, protein, fat, total solids) and production (mean milk production) of both breeds. The study was carried out in a dairy farm located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Eight visitations were done to the farm, four in a period of high rainfall and four in a period of low rainfall. Milk samples were collected from 79 Holstein cows and 37 Jersey cows for electronic somatic cell count and determination of the main milk components (protein, fat, total solids, lactose). Milk fat, protein, total solids and production were influenced by breed and the season, with similar tendencies for both breeds in both seasons. Somatic cell count (SCC) showed similar results for both breeds. Holstein cows with intramammary infections (IMI) presented a higher increase in SCC when compared to Jersey cows (P<0.001). In the dry season, 53 animals had IMI in at least one month during the study, which 32 were Holstein and 21 were Jersey cows. In the rainy season, 65 animals had intramammary infection, being 43 Holstein and 22 Jersey cows. The frequency of IMI cases was larger in the rainy season than in the dry season. Jersey cows had a lower chance of showing IMI signs and symptoms than Holstein cows in the rainy season (odds ratio=0.52). The larger number of IMI cases in the rainy season may have led to a lower milk lactose rate for both breeds, thus milk lactose rate can be considered an indicator of IMI status. There was prevalence of contagious pathogens overall in the study. The applied model showed that environmental pathogens were more frequently isolated from the breed Jersey, regardless of the study season. There seems to be differences in the immune response of Jersey and Holstein breeds.

Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar a performance das raças Jersey e Holandesa em diferentes condições de pluviosidade (estações seca e chuvosa) através do monitoramento de aspectos relacionados com a mastite subclínica (contagem de células somáticas, isolamento microbiológico, tipo de patógeno isolado), qualidade do leite (lactose, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais) e produção (media da produção de leite) de ambas as raças. O estudo foi conduzido em propriedade leiteira localizada no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Oito visitas foram realizadas a propriedade, quatro em período de alta pluviosidade e outro em período de baixa pluviosidade. Amostras de leite foram colhidas de todos os animais para contagem eletrônica de células somáticas e determinação dos principais componentes do leite (proteína, gordura, sólidos totais, lactose). Gordura, proteína, sólidos totais e produção leiteira foram influenciadas tanto pela raça como pela estação, apresentando tendências similares para ambas raças em ambas estações. A contagem de células somáticas (CCS) apresentou resultados similares para ambas as raças. Vacas holandesas com infecção intramamária (IIM) apresentaram um maior aumento na CCS quando comparadas as vacas Jersey (P<0.001). Na estação seca, 53 animais tiveram IIM em pelo menos um mês do estudo. Destes, 32 eram da raça Holandesa e 21 da raça Jersey. Na estação chuvosa, 65 animais possuíram infecção intramamária, dos quais 43 eram da raça Holandesa e 22 da raça Jersey. A frequência de casos de IIM foi maior na estação chuvosa em comparação à estação seca. Vacas Jersey apresentaram uma menor chance de desenvolver sinais e sintomas de IIM em relação às vacas holandesas na estação chuvosa (razão de chances=0.52). O maior numero de casos de IIM na estação chuvosa pode ter contribuído para uma menor taxa de lactose no leite para ambas as raças, sendo que esta pode ser considerada como um indicador do status de IIM. Existiu uma prevalência de patógenos contagiosos durante todo o experimento. O modelo estatístico aplicado mostrou que patógenos ambientais foram mais frequentemente isolados da raça Jersey, independentemente do período do estudo. Aparentemente existem diferenças na resposta imune das raças Jersey e Holandesa.

Animals , Cattle , Dry Season , Milk/microbiology , Mastitis, Bovine/microbiology , Rainy Season , Bacterial Load/veterinary , Hybrid Cells/physiology , Cell Count/veterinary , Lactose/analysis
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 43(4): 278-286, dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-634705


El género Agrobacterium incluye especies ftopatógenas que inducen la formación de agallas en el cuello o la proliferación de raíces en cabellera en más de 600 especies de dicotiledóneas, y especies no patógenas cuyo hábitat natural es el suelo. Como no es posible erradicar a las especies patógenas y habida cuenta de que más del 80 % de las infecciones puede provenir de viveros, es importante evitar la diseminación de la enfermedad. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo ha sido desarrollar técnicas sensibles y precisas que, aisladamente o combinadas, permitan detectar la presencia de especies y biovares de Agrobacterium a partir de muestras de material vegetal, suelo y agua. Se comprobó que con la estrategia combinada de realizar aislamientos en los medios semiselectivos D1, D1-M y YEM-RCT; PCR multiplex sobre el gen 23S ADNr; PCR específca sobre los genes virC1 y virC2 y bioensayos en plántulas de pimiento cv. California Wonder y en hojas cortadas de kalanchoe, se reduce la posibilidad de obtener falsos negativos y/o falsos positivos. Por lo expuesto, esta combinación de técnicas constituye una herramienta adecuada para el diagnóstico de cepas patógenas de Agrobacterium a partir de distintos tipos de muestras.

The genus Agrobacterium includes phytopathogenic bacteria that induce the development of root crown galls and/or aerial galls at the base of the stem or hairy roots on more than 600 species of plants belonging to 90 dicotyledonous families and non-pathogenic species. These bacteria being natural soil inhabitants are particularly diffcult to eradicate, which is a problem in nurseries where more than 80% of infections occur. Since early detection is crucial to avoid the inadvertent spread of the disease, the aim of this work was to develop sensitive and precise identifcation techniques by using a set of semi-selective and differential culture media in combination with a specifc PCR to amplify a partial sequence derived from the virC operon, as well as a multiplex PCR on the basis of 23SrDNA sequences, and biological assays to identify and differentiate species and biovars of Agrobacterium obtained either from soil, water or plant samples. The combination of the different assays allowed us to reduce the number of false positive and negative results from bacteria isolated from any of the three types of samples. Therefore, the combination of multiplex PCR, specifc PCR, isolations in semi-selective D1, D1-M and YEM-RCT media combined with bioassays on cut leaves of Kalanchoe and seedlings of California Wonder pepper cultivar constitute an accurate tool to detect species and biovars of Agrobacterium for diagnostic purposes.

Agrobacterium/isolation & purification , Bacteriological Techniques , Plants/microbiology , Soil Microbiology , Water Microbiology , Agrobacterium/classification , Agrobacterium/enzymology , Agrobacterium/genetics , Agrobacterium/pathogenicity , Biological Assay , Bacterial Proteins/analysis , Culture Media , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , Kalanchoe/microbiology , Lactose/analysis , Lactose/analogs & derivatives , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Plant Tumors/microbiology , Species Specificity , Virulence/genetics
Braz. j. microbiol ; 42(3): 927-936, July-Sept. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-607521


Psychrophilic bacteria, which grow on lactose as a carbon source, were isolated from Antarctic polar sea water. Among the psychrophilic bacteria isolated, strain KNOUC808 was able to grow on lactose at below 5¨¬C, and showed 0.867 unit of o-nitrophenyl ¥â-D-galactopyranoside(ONPG) hydrolyzing activity at 4¨¬C. The isolate was gram-negative, rod, aerobic, catalase positive and oxidase positive. Optimum growth was done at 20¨¬C, pH 6.8-7.2. The composition of major fatty acids in cell of KNOUC801 was C12:0 (5.48 percent), C12:0 3OH (9.21 percent), C16:0 (41.83 percent), C17:0 ¥ø8 (7.24 percent) and C18:1 ¥ø7 (7.04 percent). All suthese results together suggest that it is affiliated with Pseudoalteromonas genus. The 16S rDNA sequence corroborate the phenotypic tests and the novel strain was designated as Pseudoalteromonas sp. KNOUC808. The optimum temperature and pH for lactose hydrolyzing enzyme was 20¨¬C and 7.8, respectively. The enzyme was stable at 4¨¬C for 7 days, but its activity decreased to about 50 percent of initial activity at 37¨¬C in 7 days.

Lactose/analysis , Lactose/isolation & purification , Pseudomonas/genetics , Pseudomonas/isolation & purification , Methodology as a Subject
Braz. j. microbiol ; 42(3): 1119-1127, July-Sept. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-607543


Aspergillus niger was used for cellulase production in submerged (SmF) and solid state fermentation (SSF). The maximum production of cellulase was obtained after 72 h of incubation in SSF and 96 h in Smf. The CMCase and FPase activities recorded in SSF were 8.89 and 3.56 U per g of dry mycelial bran (DBM), respectively. Where as in Smf the CMase & FPase activities were found to be 3.29 and 2.3 U per ml culture broth, respectively. The productivity of extracellular cellulase in SSF was 14.6 fold higher than in SmF. The physical and nutritional parameters of fermentation like pH, temperature, substrate, carbon and nitrogen sources were optimized. The optimal conditions for maximum biosynthesis of cellulase by A. niger were shown to be at pH 6, temperature 30 ºC. The additives like lactose, peptone and coir waste as substrate increased the productivity both in SmF and SSF. The moisture ratio of 1:2 (w/v) was observed for optimum production of cellulase in SSF.

Aspergillus niger/enzymology , Cellulases/analysis , Cellulases/biosynthesis , Fermentation , Lactose/analysis , Peptones/analysis , Enzyme Activation , Methods , Methods
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 52(3): 473-481, abr. 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-482576


A lactogênese é constituída pelas fases designadas como I e II. A transição entre essas fases é caracterizada pelo aumento da concentração de lactose no colostro. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a interferência do diabetes melito tipo 1 (DM1) na transição entre as fases da lactogênese. A concentração de lactose foi determinada em amostras de colostro de 11 puérperas portadoras de DM1 e de 19 puérperas sem a doença, durante os cinco primeiros dias do puerpério. A determinação da concentração da lactose foi feita pela reação com ácido pícrico. Em ambos os grupos houve aumento progressivo da concentração da lactose em função do tempo; entretanto, o aumento foi significativamente menor no terceiro e no quinto dia no grupo das portadoras de diabetes. A análise da transição de fases da lactogênese revelou que as puérperas portadoras de diabetes melito com controle glicêmico inadequado apresentaram atraso de 18 horas para alcançar a fase II da lactogênese, dificultando o estabelecimento do aleitamento materno.

Lactogenesis is constituted by phases I and II. The transition between those phases is characterized by an increase of the lactose concentration in the colostrum. This study aimed to evaluate the interference of type 1 Diabetes mellitus in the transition between phases I and II of the lactogenesis. The lactose concentration was determined in colostrum samples of 11 puerperal women with pre-gestational Diabetes mellitus and 19 without the disease, during the five first days of the puerperium. The lactose concentration was determined by reaction with picric acid. In both groups there were progressive increases in the lactose levels along the time; however, the increase was significantly lower in the 3rd and 5th days for the group of the women with diabetes. The analysis of the transition between the lactogenesis phases revealed that the puerperal diabetic women with inadequate glycemic control presented a time delay of 18 hours to reach phase II, making difficult the establishment of breastfeeding.

Adult , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Blood Glucose/analysis , Colostrum/chemistry , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/physiopathology , Lactation/physiology , Lactose/analysis , Body Mass Index , Case-Control Studies , Creatinine/blood , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/metabolism , Gestational Age , Lactation Disorders/diagnosis , Lactation/metabolism , Postpartum Period/physiology , Time Factors
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 10(2): 211-220, Apr. 15, 2007. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-499180


The exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing cultures such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus RW-9595M present a challenge for the culture producers because the high viscosity of the fermented growth medium makes it difficult to recover the cells by centrifugation or filtration. This study examined four approaches to reduce viscosity of the medium while producing high cell densities: incubation temperature, extended incubation in the stationary growth phase, production in alginate gel beads and fed-batch fermentation technology. Automated spectrophotometry (AS) was used to study the effects of temperature, pH and lactate level on growth of the strain. In AS assays, there was no significant difference in final maximal biomass production at temperatures ranging between 34 ºC to 44 ºC, but lower yields were noted at 46 C. A pH below 6.0 and a lactate concentration higher than 4 percent almost completely prevented growth. Under batch fermentation conditions, the viscosity of the medium obtained at 37 C was two fold higher than for 44 ºC. For cultures produced at 37 ºC, centrifugation at 10000 g during 5 min did not allow complete recovery of cells, in contrast to cultures grown at 44 ºC. An extended period of incubation (5 hrs) in the stationary growth phase did not reduce the final viscosity of the growth medium. For similar biomass levels, the glucose-based fed-batch fermentation allowed a 40 percent reduction in viscosity of the fermented medium in comparison to traditional batch cultures. High-density cell populations (3 x 10(10) CFU/g) were obtained when L. rhamnosus RW-9595M was grown in alginate beads. However, overall biomass yields in the immobilized cell bioreactor were half of those obtained in free-cell fermentations. Therefore three methods of producing concentrated EPS-producing cultures are proposed.

Culture Media , Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus/isolation & purification , Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus/growth & development , Polysaccharides, Bacterial/isolation & purification , Polysaccharides, Bacterial/biosynthesis , Alginates , Bacteriological Techniques , Fermentation , Food Microbiology , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Lactobacillus/metabolism , Lactose/analysis , Temperature , Viscosity
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 83(1): 59-63, Jan.-Feb. 2007. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: lil-444529


OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da evaporação e da pasteurização do leite humano na sua composição bioquímica e imunológica e em sua osmolaridade. MÉTODOS: As amostras de leite humano maduro foram divididas em quatro grupos de estudo: leite humano in natura, leite humano pasteurizado, leite humano evaporado a 70 por cento do volume inicial e leite humano pasteurizado e evaporado a 70 por cento, com 12 diferentes amostras de leite em cada grupo. Das amostras dos grupos, foram dosadas as concentrações de sódio, potássio, cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, proteína, gordura, lactose, imunoglobulina A e osmolaridade. RESULTADOS: A pasteurização do leite humano não mostrou alterações estatisticamente significantes na concentração dos elementos sódio, potássio, cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, proteína, gordura, lactose, nem na osmolaridade; no entanto, mostrou redução significante na concentração média de imunoglobulina A. A evaporação mostrou aumento estatisticamente significativo de 38 por cento em média na concentração dos elementos sódio, potássio, cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, proteína, gordura e lactose e redução média de 45 por cento na concentração da imunoglobulina A, sem alteração significativa da osmolaridade em relação ao leite sem processamento. CONCLUSÃO: Através da evaporação a 70 por cento do volume inicial do leite humano, pode ser obtido leite humano com condições de satisfazer as necessidades nutricionais preconizadas para o recém-nascido pré-termo, com exceção do cálcio e do fósforo.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of evaporation and pasteurization of human milk on its biochemical and immunological composition and on its osmolarity. METHODS: The samples of mature human milk were categorized into four study groups: in natura human milk, pasteurized human milk, human milk evaporated at 70 percent of the baseline volume and human milk pasteurized and evaporated at 70 percent, with 12 different samples of milk in each group. The samples were used to determine the concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, fat, lactose, immunoglobulin A and osmolarity. RESULTS: The pasteurization of human milk did not show statistically significant changes in the concentration of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, fat, lactose, or in osmolarity; however, it showed remarkable reduction in the mean concentration of immunoglobulin A. Evaporation had a mean increase of 38 percent in the concentration of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, fat and lactose and mean reduction of 45 percent in the concentration of immunoglobulin A, without significant change in osmolarity in unprocessed milk. CONCLUSION: By evaporation at 70 percent of the baseline value of human milk, it is possible to obtain human milk that meets the nutritional requirements recommended for preterm infants, except for calcium and phosphorus.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant Formula/standards , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/physiology , Milk, Human/chemistry , Nutritional Requirements , Sterilization , Volatilization , Fats/analysis , Hot Temperature , Infant, Premature/physiology , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight/physiology , Lactose/analysis , Metals, Alkali/analysis , Metals, Alkaline Earth/analysis , Milk, Human/immunology , Nutritive Value , Osmolar Concentration , Phosphorus/analysis
EMHJ-Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2004; 10 (6): 815-821
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-158353


Expression and storage of breast milk is way to maintain breastfeeding when mother and infant are separated, if the nutritional value can be conserved. Three expressed breast milk samples were collected from 61 healthy lactating mothers in Cairo, Egypt, for determination of total protein, fat, lactose and zinc content, as well as vitamins C, A and E concentrations. One sample was analysed immediately without storage, 1 after storage for 24 hours in a refrigerator [4 degrees C] and 1 after storage for 1 week in a home freezer [-4 degrees C to -8 degrees C]. Refrigeration and freezing of breast milk caused a statistically significant decline in levels of vitamins C, A and E. Nevertheless, the values of all nutrients were still within the international reference ranges for mature breast milk

Adult , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Ascorbic Acid/analysis , Breast Feeding , Fats/analysis , Freezing , Lactose/analysis , Nutritive Value
Braz. j. microbiol ; 31(2): 107-12, Apr.-Jun. 2000. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-297647


The effects of treatment with anaerobic cecal microflora (ACM) and/or lactose and/or acetic acid on systemic and digestive tract of broiler chicks infection with "Salmonella" Typhimurium and "S." Enteritidis were studied. ACM was used without previous bacterial identification. Treatment with ACM contributed to the resistance of broiler chicks to infection with "Salmonella" spp. The infections were more persistent in the cecum, rectum and crops in decreasing order of intensity. The infections were also self-limiting since treated and control lots presented similar infection rates at the end of the experiments. Alone or in combination with lactose, ACM reduced the colonization of the digestive tract of broiler chicks by "S." Typhimurium and "S." Enteritidis. The effect of the combination of ACM with lactose or acetic acid was not potentiated in terms of reduction of fecal excretion of "Salmonella" spp. Treatment with ACM reduced the amount of "S." Typhimurium and "S." Enteritidis in feces. Alone or in combination with lactose, ACM reduced the cecal pH in treated birds. "S." Enteritidis was much more invasive than "S." Typhimurium and the use of ACM alone was more effective on the reduction of systemic infection. An explanation for the process of prevention of intestinal colonization with "Salmonella" spp. probably resides in the interrelationship of physiological, microbiological and immunological phenomena, as well as the variation in cecal pH.

Animals , Acetic Acid/analysis , Lactose/analysis , Salmonella enteritidis/isolation & purification , Salmonella Infections, Animal/diagnosis , Salmonella typhimurium/isolation & purification , Bacterial Infections/diagnosis
Rev. invest. clín ; 48(Supl): 45-50, nov. 1996. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-187785


El estudio se realizó con la finalidad de determinar el efecto del estado de nutrición en la capacidad de digestión y tolerancia a la lactosa en pacientes hospitalizados que requerían alimentación por sonda. En un diseño controlado doble ciego, se estudiaron 25 pacientes que requerian alimentación por sonda divididos en dos grupos que deferían por su estado de nutrición. Un grupo (PCD) de 10 pacientes con desnutrición: en promedio habían perdido 14.5 ñ 5.4 kg y presentaban 69 ñ 15 por ciento del patrón de referencia de peso la talla. El otro grupo (PSD) fueron 15 pacientes con un estado de nutrición adecuado (peso para talla de 103 ñ 15 por ciento del patrón de referencia). A cada paciente se le administraron en forma cruzada, dos tratamientos: leche intacta (LI) o leche hidrolizada (LH) con > 90 por ciento de lactosa hidrolizada. Se dieron mediante infusión continua a duodeno. Se midió la digestión de lactosa mediante la prueba de análisis de hidrógeno espirado. El grupo PCD excretó 505 ñ 117 ppm. h y el grupo PSD 58 ñ 15 con LI; con la LH fueron 53 ñ 27 y 14 ñ 23 en el mismo orden. El puntaje de síntomas fue de 4.3 ñ 0.7 y 1.5 ñ 0.3 con la LI para PCD y PSD respectivamente, y de 0.5 ñ 0.2 y 0.3 ñ 0.2 con la LH en el mismo orden. La mala digestión (p< 0.0001) y la intolerancia de la lactosa (p< 0.001) fueron considerablemente mayores en los pacientes desnutridos. Concluímos que nuestros resultados sugieren que la desnutrición se acompaña siempre de intolerancia a la lactosa

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Digestion , Hydrogen/analysis , Lactose Intolerance/metabolism , Lactose/analysis , Nutritional Sciences , Nutrition Disorders/diet therapy
Arq. gastroenterol ; 32(1): 8-14, jan.-mar. 1995. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-151643


Foram estudados iogurtes e coalhada industrializada em três tempos de estocagem, além de coalhada caseira e síria, e queijos de vários tipos e marcas. Determinou-se o conteúdo de lactose e a atividade de ß-galactosidase destes produtos. Os níveis de lactose foram elevados nos iogurtes e coalhadas, com reduçäo de cerca de 22 por cento com relaçäo ao leite de vaca, apresentando média e desvio padräo de 3,81 ñ 0,46g por cento. Nos queijos, estes níveis foram baixos, variando de 1,91 a 0,03g por cento. A atividade de ß-galactosidase esteve presente nos iogurtes e coalhada, com níveis que variam de 0,58 a 3,6l unidades no tempo I de estocagem, com média e desvio padräo de 2,15 ñ 0,23 U. Houve queda significativa desta atividade segundo o tempo de estocagem. Analisando os achados e comparando com os estudos de literatura conclui-se que os produtos estudados, quer pelo seu baixo conteúdo de lactose (queijos e yakult), quer pela presença ß-galactosidase (iogurtes e coalhadas no tempo I), provavelmente seriam tolerados pela maioria dos indivíduos hipolactásicos

Humans , beta-Galactosidase/metabolism , Cheese/analysis , Dairy Products/analysis , Galactose/analysis , Lactose/analysis , Yogurt/analysis , Brazil , Fermentation , Food Handling , Time Factors
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 39(2): 203-12, abr. 1987. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-89604


Se presenta un método crioscópico mejorado y simplificado para la determinación de lactosa en la leche. Algunas ventajas del método sobre el original son: a) Mayor exactud, por que las determinaciones se ralizan en un mismo tubo crioscópico; b) solamente dos tubos son necesarios para la determinación, obteniéndose mejor precisión; d) La dilución de las muestras permite mayor grado de hidrólisis; e) La neutralización (pH 6.70) de las muestras permite calcular el contenido real de lactosa en la leche acidificada y en muestras de suero. El método brinda resultados inferiores en 0,06% en relación al método de cloramina-T

Cattle , Animals , Freezing , Hydrolysis , Lactose/analysis , Milk/analysis